Community-centered Communicator




Mark Logan’s Bio

Mark Logan feels that writing about Mark Logan in the third person feels a bit awkward and pretentious. After all, Mark Logan is not running for President, and who do you think is writing this, Mark Logan's biographer? Nah.

You probably want to know the "one thing" about me–the job title, the headline, the takeaway. I'm not exactly sure why, but trying to condense myself down to just one thing feels . . . reductive? dehumanizing?

I'm a lot more than one thing. So are you. So are we all.

Professionally, I've done a wide and weird variety of things. Most of it you won't care about. I sold tickets at the half-price ticket booth in Sydney, Australia. I managed a group home for autistic adults. I once directed Russell Crowe in a vitamin video.

For the most part, my professional life has been centered in communication. I started out writing and producing documentary films and video in Sydney. I learned to shape stories, make moments flow together, and sequence shots in cinematic syntax.

Later, in Kansas City, I became fascinated with interactive media. I loved the way it gives people agency in shaping their experiences. And that concept of user agency or human-centricity became another through line in my career. 

I founded a digital agency and led it for almost a decade before selling it and joining a large, independent ad agency. There, I created the innovation lab, which blended human-centered design (Design Thinking) and emerging technologies. We helped our agency partners and clients embrace tech trends that expanded our focus from stories to experiences. 

More recently, I have used those skills in communications and human-centered design to support vulnerable communities and organizations serving them. I led COVID communications campaigns during the pandemic. I've trained people in using allyship and human-centered design to build inclusive workplaces. And I've helped organizations engage more deeply and creatively with the communities they serve. 

Which brings me to now. I am an equity-centered communicator and innovator who loves working with people, organizations, and communities in pursuit of positive social impact. If you have a need or an opportunity that I can help with, I'd love to talk with you

If Mark Logan's unorthodox, first-person bio has left you unimpressed and uninterested, Mark Logan’s biographer apologizes and directs you to his LinkedIn profile



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